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Relationship with God through the help of the Angels

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Let’s begin with a true story…

The more we pray for the intercession of our guardian angel than the more help and protection we will receive and one of the most powerful examples in recent times that proves the truth of this spiritual law took place in the life of father Goldmann.

He was a priest from Germany who served during World War two before his ordination to the priesthood. Father Goldmann was drafted into the SS Division of the German army where he served as a medic. Towards the end of the war he was stationed in Italy. One night about two o’clock in the morning he heard a voice commanding him to: get up and dig, there is no time to waste. He jumped up and looked around but didn’t see anyone. He then asked the guards if they had spoken to him or had seen anyone or anything in the area but they hadn’t. So he decided to go back to sleep, but again he heard someone commanding him get up and dig.

After these words were spoken he felt a strange fear come over him that made him conclude that he should start digging immediately and so at two o’clock in the morning he began to dig a foxhole in the darkness. He worked at it all night. In the morning he looked up and then saw to his horror ten enemy planes circling his camp like vultures they swooped down and dropped 20 bombs. Everyone was killed of course with the exception of father Goldmann and his driver, whom he had invited into the protection of his foxhole earlier on.

Now, who warned father Goldmann in the middle of the night to begin digging that foxhole that saved his life was an angel of course, but how do we know this?

Well we know it because three weeks later, father Goldmann received a letter from a Franciscan sister who had been praying for him during the war. She told him in her letter that at two o’clock in the morning on the very day that the airplanes attack took place, she had experienced a great fear about his safety. So she rushed to the convent Chapel and then prayed continually throughout the night until morning repeating the words: guardian angel save him now.

We should notice here first of all that the sister was awakened quite obviously by an emergency message from her guardian angel. It is by that internal pressure and tension that was mentioned earlier, and so we can quite rightly conclude that father Goldmann was saved from the air-raid attack because the Franciscan sister prayed with faith and devotion to her guardian angel.

To be continued soon...

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