La Salette a warning about an immanent chastisement 1 1

Ingratitude, Indifference and Chastisement

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St. Columba (6th century). “Hearken, hearken to what will happen in the latter days of the world! There will be great wars; unjust laws will be enacted; the Church will be despoiled of her property; people will read and write a great deal; but charity and humility will be laughed to scorn, and the common people will believe in false ideas.

The Virgin Mary first spoke of the future chastisement in the Secret of La Salette, revealed in 1858.

In 1917, Our Lady of Fatima said that we must pray the daily Rosary and do penance so that people will stop offending God. Our Lady told little Jacinta that “the sins of the flesh” were the most frequent sins committed by people leading them to eternal punishment. The Third Secret of Fatima showed an Angel touching the earth with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire.

At Garabandal in 1961, Our Lady speaks of a “very great punishment” and said, “The cup is filling up.” The Second Message in 1965 said, “Now it is overflowing.” Conchita described the Chastisement as something “very, very great in keeping with what we deserve.”

“The Chastisement is conditional and depends on whether or not mankind heeds the messages of the Blessed Virgin and the Miracle.

“If it should take place, I know of what it will consist because the Blessed Virgin told me about it, but I am not permitted to say what it is.”

“I have seen the Chastisement. I can assure you that it is worse than being enveloped in fire, worse than having fire above and beneath you.”

“I do not know how much time will pass between the Miracle and the Chastisement.”

The Secret of Fatima began with a vision of hell. It showed souls in a vast sea of fire with flames coming from within them. The souls had no control of their movements, being defenseless to protect themselves from demons there to torment them.
The Chastisement foretold at Garabandal should be dreaded because it has similarities to Sodom and Gomorrah on a world wide scale.

While the Chastisement has never been the favorite topic for discussion when it comes to Garabandal, it was primarily to warn us of this potential event that the Blessed Virgin appeared. This is supported by the fact that in the first Message of October 18, 1961, the message of Garabandal, the whole second part, more than fifty percent of the text of the entire Message, is devoted to the Chastisement. The first part tells us what we must do to prevent it from happening.

Father Francis Benac

On Oct. 13, 1973, Our Lady appeared to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa in Akita, Japan. Our Lady intervened to emphasize once again the necessity that God must be obeyed or there would be a punishment for the world.


Mother Mariana is linked mysteriously to our times

Our Lady showed Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres the visions of the 20th Century over 350 years ago. In 1906, her three-century old tomb was opened. They discovered the body whole and incorrupt, complete with her habit and the articles of penance that had been placed in the tomb with her.

2016 Transfer Incorrupt Body of Sister Mariana de Jesus Torres 3 1 1


Mother Mariana was blessed to receive revelations from Our Lord and Our Lady.


The apparition has been approved by the Church and Mother Mariana has been declared Venerable in the first step towards her canonization.

Resurrected twice

Mariana died three times and was resurrected twice during her life. She experienced the Passion of Our Lord and The Stigmata. She experienced the pains of Hell.

Revelations of Our Lady of Good Success

Our Lady:

“Oh, if only human beings and religious knew what Heaven is and what it is to possess God, how differently they would live, sparing no sacrifice in order to enter more fully into possession of it! But some let themselves be dazzled by the false glamour of honors and human greatness while others are blinded by self-love, not realizing that they are falling into lukewarmness, that immense evil which in religious houses destroys their fervor, humility, self-renunciation and the ceaseless practice of religious virtues and fraternal charity and that child-like simplicity which makes souls so dear to my Divine Son and to me, their Mother.

“Woe to the world should it lack monasteries and convents! Men do not comprehend their importance, for, if they understood, they would do all in their power to multiply them, because in them can be found the remedy for all physical and moral evils… No one on the face of the earth is aware whence comes the salvation of souls, the conversion of great sinners, the end of great scourges, the fertility of the land, the end of pestilence and wars, and the harmony between nations. All this is due to the prayers that rise up from monasteries and convents.

“O, if mortals only understood how to appreciate the time given to them, and would take advantage of each moment of their lives, how different the world would be! And a considerable number of souls would not fall to their eternal perdition! But this contempt is the fundamental cause for their downfall!”

Our Lady emphasized the importance of the Sacrament of Penance and the important role of priests: “See and contemplate the grandeur of this restoring and life-giving Sacrament of Penance, so forgotten and even scorned by ungrateful men, who in their foolish madness, do not realize that it is the only sure means of salvation after one has lost his baptismal innocence. What is most grievous is that even the ministers of My Most Holy Son do not give to it the value that they should, viewing with cold indifference this valuable and precious treasure, which has been placed in their hands for the restoration of souls redeemed by the Blood of the Redeemer. There are those who consider hearing confession as a loss of time and a futile thing. O, alas! If priests were given to see directly that which you are now contemplating and were enlightened with the Light that now illuminates you, they would then recognize this gift!…”

Indifference and Ingratitude Both Offend the Lord

By Father Kenneth Wasilewski, Catholic Diocese of Rockford

Centering our lives in God and thereby living the First Commandment more fully, will inevitably mean that we gain a greater awareness of His goodness and come to a deeper appreciation for Him.

Our gratitude to Him, should follow our knowledge of Him. In this sense, gratitude becomes a matter of justice — of giving God His due.

As we come to recognize how completely good God is, and how helpless and hopeless we are without Him, we can’t help but respond by being grateful. Not surprisingly, two particular failures in this area are closely connected and require great diligence to avoid: indifference and ingratitude.

They can be thought of as not only fruit produced by the same tree, but as growing on the same branch. If I recognize one of them in me, I should look for the other as well.

Indifference is simply not caring about God or the things of God, or not seeing Him and His gifts as being as important or relevant as they are. Ingratitude fails to either recognize His lovability, or to respond to His love appropriately (Cathechism of the Catholic Church, 2094).

Naturally, if I don’t recognize the importance of God in my life, being grateful to Him becomes, for all practical purposes, impossible.

Seeing God Himself as being ultimately important means that I likewise come to be appreciative and thankful for what He has done — like gifting the Church with His Word, His presence in the sacraments and making Himself accessible to us in prayer.

Once recognized for what they are, our gratitude for God’s gifts is often best expressed by using them as He intended. And as we use them, another thing happens — our appreciation for them tends to grow ever deeper.

Of course the reverse can also be true. If I don’t strive to make God a priority or to use His gifts, I will very likely end up indifferent and ungrateful to God Himself, but also in regard to His gifts.

This is the key: God and the things of God will never be priorities unless I choose to make them priorities.

For example, prayer is a great gift and of great value, but it’s difficult to see it as such or benefit from it unless I practice it. And I won’t practice it unless I choose to make it a priority. The struggle for many people is that they recognize the value in things like prayer and practicing the faith, but don’t take the steps necessary to actually incorporate them into their lives. Failing to make them the priority when we see their value, is a great example of what indifference looks like in practical terms, and can easily lead to ingratitude.

Indifference and ingratitude, however, don’t necessarily equate to a complete rejection of God. One can be both and still believe in a good God. And this fact can make it particularly dangerous since we can be lulled into thinking that because I believe in God, I’m “OK” and don’t need to be concerned with maintaining, growing or practicing my faith. But an unlived faith is one doomed to a short life.

It’s not uncommon for someone to claim a belief in God and yet not really pray or go to church. Such indifference can sometimes lead to a drifting further and further away from God or any real practice of the Christian faith. Whatever faith may be claimed, it ceases to resemble Christianity in any meaningful way.

Of course, indifference, and with it ingratitude, can come in many milder forms as well and if not checked, have the ability to likewise grow and expand. In this case, our best defense may well be a good offense. Honestly examining our priorities and ensuring that God remains at the top in tangible, practical ways and verbalizing our gratitude as a part of our daily prayer, are great places to begin.

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