mosaic of jesus christ in hagia sophia 21 09 04 07 54 35 utc 1 1

Here is Your Mother!

Here is Your Mother!

You must know that when you ‘Ave’ Mary, she immediately greets you! – St. Bernardine

The second command, which Jesus spoke from the Cross, is an act of entrusting the whole Church to Mary. Jesus foresaw His death would be of use to but very few and that the many would be lost through their own negligence and ingratitude, that is lack of Love. In one last gesture of love, Jesus shared his relationship with Mary with us. Mary leads us to Christ because its her, among men, that loved Jesus most on earth, and loves him most ardently in Heaven.

The supernatural order of Mary’s divine maternity attests to the central role of the Blessed Mother in God’s plan of salvation. The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin and the supernatural favours granted to pilgrims are signs that exceed the powers of the created universe.

As put by St Anselm, ‘God begot Him through whom all things were made and Mary gave birth to Him though whom all things are saved.’

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